Planning a camping trip can be a lot of fun but at times a tad stressful. There is much to think about. Clothes, food, fuel, even cutlery! When you’re in a caravan, camper or RV it is akin to furnishing a small house and you do want a few creature comforts. Installing a water filter must be part of your checklist.
When you already use a water filter at home, it makes sense to add one to your caravan, camper or RV. If not, now is the perfect time to take advantage of installing a water filter and enjoy all the benefits of healthier, better tasting, risk free water. We highly recommend installing a water filter system, for a number of reasons: the main one is your health. The last thing you want is to fall sick due to contaminated water and ruin your holiday.
When your itinerary sees you traversing through less populated agricultural regions, there is a higher risk of contamination in the water. Most local councils keep a close eye on the town’s water supply; however, it is not unusual for country towns to add bore and even river water into their drinking water supply to compensate for water shortages. By doing so, the trade-off is additional chlorine. The supplied drinking water has the double jeopardy factor of unpleasant smelling water bombed with chlorine. When you are not accustomed to this combination, it is not an overly pleasant experience.
Surface water and aquifers are exposed to contamination from organic solvents, metals from disposal sites and, possibly, petroleum products from agricultural activities and other industry often found in regional areas, such as mills and abattoirs. Other contaminants such as fertilisers and pesticides can enter the water from snowmelt or rainwater runoff.
Septic systems are common in more remote areas and can carry harmful microbes into the sources of drinking water. Wildlife waste along with waste from feedlots can also find its way into water catchments. Waterborne cysts can occur (microbial), which when consumed can cause abdominal pain and diarrhoea.
One important function of a water filter manufactured by Water Filters Australia sits with the filtration technology. The filter will trap waterborne cysts before you inadvertently allow them into your system by simply having a drink of water or rinsing your food.
One of the many delights about taking a road trip is soaking up and revelling in the natural wonders one finds when out on the open road. Little turn offs that lead to a gentle running stream or a freshwater lake filled with an abundance of native bird life and fish framed by native flora are hard to beat. It is the perfect spot to pull up, unhook the van, cast a line, take a dip and get the BBQ going, with a cold beer or glass of wine. Magical; and Australia blesses us with so many places where this getaway is possible.
It is tempting to fill the water bags and containers with the fresh clear water from a stream or river; it somehow looks fresher and we believe it will taste that bit clearer. The danger is the water may not be as clean as it appears and may contain harmful bacteria entering the water from a point of origin that you may not know of. When sourcing your drinking water, use town supplied water whenever possible and filter the water through your installed water filter. You can’t beat it and it adds so much to the simple pleasures of being on the road.
You’ve had the car serviced, tyre pressure is spot on, tail lights are all working, electric brakes functioning, fire extinguisher is up to date, first aid kit stocked and loved ones have your itinerary and contact details. You have all the charges for your devices, torches, spare batteries and the like – but have you installed a new water filter?
It should be part of your safety check. Travelling alone or as a couple, there is a very good chance you will be drinking from the same water source. If one falls unwell, the other is bound to follow. This can be a highly dangerous situation but easily avoided. Installing a water filter is simple and inexpensive. It just makes sense to ensure you keep yourself hydrated without compromise or risk.
At Water Filters Australia, we design and manufacture the most sophisticated mechanical water filters available for home, office, caravan and camper. Our water filters remove 99% of residual chemicals. You will immediately taste and smell the difference, and more importantly, a quality water filter helps safeguard you from any toxins, unwanted chemicals or microbes that may have entered the water source. When travelling by caravan, camper or RV check out these water filter options:
Enjoy your trip knowing you have covered all the bases.
Our customers tell us that after they have installed their water filter from Water Filters Australia, the water smells cleaner, is sparkling clear and tastes so much better. For cleaner authentic drinking water and peace of mind, contact Water Filters Australia today.
Read more on the health benefits of filtered water
Looking for a thoughtful Christmas gift in 2024? Finding great gift ideas can be tough. If you have an eco-friendly, health-conscious loved one who appreciates pure, fresh water, a water filter system might be the perfect choice. Our Choosing a Water Filter Christmas gift guide is here to help. They’re easy to install, require no plumber, and are simple to maintain with an annual filter change.
Did you know fluoride in tap water is intentionally left there to protect your teeth? Water filtration is essential for improving the taste and quality of drinking water. But do inline water filters remove fluoride? The short answer is no. Our filters are designed to remove harmful chemicals while retaining fluoride, ensuring your water is both safe and beneficial for dental health.